If a girl recently raised her eyebrows at you then you are probably wondering why she did it.

This post will help you understand why she did it and why other girls would raise their eyebrows at you in the future.

So, what does it mean when a girl raises her eyebrows at you? A girl raising her eyebrows at you could be a sign that she likes you especially if she does it only to you and she shows other signs of attraction around you. She might also do it because she is pleased to see you, she's surprised or she finds something funny.

5 Signs Someone Likes You

Since there are a number of reasons why a girl will raise her eyebrows at you it is important to consider the context of how she did it and the body language that she showed.

By doing so you will be able to get a better understanding of why she raised her eyebrows at you and the way that she feels about you.

Reasons why a girl will raise her eyebrows at you

Each of the different reasons why a girl will raise her eyebrows at you will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she does it and the body language that she shows.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a girl will raise her eyebrows at you and the body language signs that you can expect to see with them.

She is attracted to you

If she only raised her eyebrows at you and she changes her body language in a positive way when she is around you then it could be a sign that she is attracted to you.

If she did it when you weren't talking to her then it could have been a sign that she wanted to talk to you as well especially if she did it when you noticed her looking at you.

If she did raise her eyebrows at you because she is attracted to you then it would be likely that she would show signs of being attracted to you in her body language and behavior.

These signs can include:

  • Mirroring your own body language
  • Pointing her feet at you
  • Laughing and looking to see if you're laughing as well
  • Positioning herself to be nearer to you
  • Having dilated pupils when looking at you
  • Holding prolonged eye contact with you
  • Looking at you then quickly looking away when you notice
  • Playing with her hair
  • Brushing her hair to the side
  • Standing closer to you than she does with other people when talking to you
  • Touching you a lot
  • Getting anxious when you are with other girls
  • Asking your friends about you
  • Asking you the most questions

It's important to note that if she shows a single body language sign of attraction then it wouldn't be enough on its own since she might show a single sign for many different reasons. Whereas, if she shows multiple signs of attraction then it would be much more likely that she actually is attracted to you.

She is pleased to see you

It could be the case that she raised her eyebrows at you because she was pleased to see you.

If she was then she would likely have done it as soon as she saw you and there would likely have been a reason for her to have been pleased to see you such as if you were doing a project together.

If she was pleased to see you then it would be likely that she would have shown positive body language towards you such as by smiling, showing vulnerable areas like the palms and asking you lots of questions.

However, she would be less likely to have shown a number of the signs of attraction such as having more dilated pupils, holding prolonged eye contact and standing closer to you than normal.

She's letting you know that she sees you

If she is your friend then the reason that she raised her eyebrows at you could be that she was simply letting you know that she saw you.

This would be more likely to be the reason if she did it when she was in a position where she wasn't really able to come and talk to you.

It would also be likely that she would have done the same to her other friends if they were present and that she wouldn't have also shown other signs of attraction.

She's saying hello

It could also be the case that she raised her eyebrows at you as a way of saying hello.

If that is why she did it then it would be likely that she would also raise her eyebrows to her friends in a similar way and that she would show the same body language around them as she shows around you.

She found something funny

Sometimes people will raise their eyebrows when they find something funny.

If she raised her eyebrows right after hearing a joke then it would be likely that she would have done it for this reason.

It would also be likely that she would react in a similar way when she finds other things funny as well.

She's surprised

People will also often raise their eyebrows when they are surprised.

If you were wearing something different or you had a new haircut then it could be that she raised her eyebrows because she was surprised to see that you looked different.

In addition to raising her eyebrows, she might also have opened her mouth and had wide-open eyes when she did it.

Consider when she raised her eyebrows

When trying to understand why she raised her eyebrows at you it would be useful to consider the timing of when she did it.

If she raised her eyebrows at you when she saw you then it could be that she wanted you to talk to her because she was attracted to you but it could also be that she was surprised by something, glad to see you as a friend or she might have been letting you know that she saw you.

Whereas, if she raised her eyebrows while you were talking to her then it would be more likely that she did it due to being surprised by something, finding something funny or possibly that she was exaggerating something that she was saying herself.

Consider the location

It would also be helpful to consider the location that she raised her eyebrows at you in.

If she did it at a party then it would be more likely that she either did it because of being attracted and wanting to speak to you in which case she would likely have shown other signs of attraction or she might have been saying hello.

If she did it when you were in a class together then she might have done it because she was saying hello and she wasn't able to talk to you, because she found something funny, because she was surprised or possibly due to attraction.

Consider the type of relationship that you have with her

It would also be useful to consider the type of relationship that you have with her.

If she is your friend then it would be more likely that she did it for a reason other than being due to attraction unless she also shows multiple other signs of attraction.

If you don't know her then she might have been inviting you to talk to her if she did it when you noticed her staring at you and if she also showed numerous signs of attraction. She might also have been surprised or possibly because she wanted you to go away if she also showed negative body language and if she rolled her eyes as well.

Think about how she reacts to seeing you

When considering the way that she feels about you it would be useful to consider the way that she reacts to seeing you.

If she reacts to seeing you by:

  • Uncrossing her arms
  • Sitting upright
  • Having more dilated pupils
  • Positioning herself to be nearer to you
  • Brushing her hair to the side
  • Pointing her feet at you
  • Adjusting her appearance
  • Holding eye contact with you
  • Smiling

Then it would be a positive sign and likely that she wants to talk to you.

Whereas, if she reacts to seeing you by:

  • Crossing her arms
  • Distancing herself from you
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Squinting at you
  • Tightening her lips
  • Tensing her jar
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Distancing herself from you

Then it would be a negative sign and likely that she does not want to talk to you.

Consider the way that she interacts with other people

Comparing the way that she interacts with other people with the way that she interacts with you would be useful in understanding the way that she feels about you.

If she raises her eyebrows in a similar way to other people and she shows the same body language around other people as she shows around you then it would be more likely that she was just being friendly.

Whereas, if she doesn't tend to raise her eyebrows to her other friends and she changes her body language in a positive way around you then it would be more likely that she did it due to being attracted to you.


What does it mean when a girl raises her eyebrows and smiles? It could be that she was saying hello, letting you know that she saw you, she might have been hoping to see you for some reason or she might have been attracted to you. It would be necessary to consider the body language that she was showing and the context of how she did it to get a better idea of why.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.
