Dogs Adult Tooth Is Coming in Behind Baby Tooth

Adult Molar Coming in Before Babe Tooth Falls Out?

Updated on August 22, 2012

J.Thousand. asks from Doylestown, PA

13 answers

My daughter has this issue. nosotros've been to the dentist 2 times and he says it'southward normal and her baby molar will fall out in due fourth dimension and he doesn't demand to pull information technology unless it'due south painful. He said when information technology does autumn out her tongue will push the other tooth in place but it's been around 4 weeks now. anyone else have this happen?


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answers from Los Angeles on

It happened to my now 12 twelvemonth old she had what looked like 2 rows of teeth simply somewhen the babies barbarous out and her adult teeth shifted into place, she did need braces though.

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answers from Chicago on

Aye this happened with most of my daughter's teeth.

It's frustrating and I'one thousand not gonna lie, it can get pretty fugly if her teeth are coming in kinda sideways, just for the most function it'southward not dangerous and won't affect her adult teeth.

There are a few thing to know......

1. Because the adult tooth is not growing in directly above and in the aforementioned path as the babe tooth, the root of the baby tooth is non being ground away as much, so the infant tooth won't get as loose. So YOUR Daughter is going to have to do this on her own. Jerk Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle WIGGLE.
I would give my daughter a timeline before we would go to the dentist and get it pulled (motivator for mine.... not sure what volition motivate your daughter). Typically, one time the adult tooth was 1/2 way in I told her that if the baby tooth wasn't out in 30 days we would go to the dentist. Then Y'all need to constantly reinforce wiggling all the time. Wiggle and twist. constantly. We just had to become to the dentist and have a baby tooth pulled 2x despite this wiggling. We had come in on the front side of her baby teeth.

2. There is a space between the developed molar coming in and where the infant molar is still attached. It may be small, just information technology's in that location. Information technology's typically either in front of the baby tooth or backside it. You accept to make sure this gets brushed. well. Nutrient can stick up there and if yous exit it the side of the adult tooth will decay. ICK. So y'all're weakening the adult tooth right off and you'll have to either get it filled or crowned, depending on how bad the decay is. So, she HAS to brush that area really actually well. And Yous should floss information technology every single 24-hour interval.

3. The baby tooth tin develop a blood vessel, this would be if it stays in a sorta loose but not pulled land for a while - I would say if your adult tooth has been completely in for a whole month and she's not anywhere near close to pulling the tooth, it should have a blood vessel that is supplying blood to the baby tooth, only you won't actually know this until the molar is pulled past your girl. Basically, the tooth senses that it's dying, but since it's non in the *typical* way, the root will try and repair itself, so it starts sending actress blood flow to the tooth and y'all get a blood vessel. Not an consequence, not painful, no worries. Only when you lot finally pull the baby tooth it will bleed quite a bit. Permit M. say that again. It will bleed. quite. a . bit. And you will notice what looks like an extra piece of her gum sticking out. That's the blood vessel. Information technology shrinks back in a week or so and there is Nada to worry about. You J. need to know it's at that place so that when that tooth bleeds more than some other i you know not to worry.

If I were you..... I would work with your girl on wiggling and twisting her tooth. See how loose you can become information technology in the side by side couple of weeks. I'll bet you lot can get it loose enough to pull on your ain.

Then - take the $150 yous would have to pay for elective extraction (that may only be if you have MY crappy insurance) and all go out somewhere actually nice for dinner!!!!!!!!

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answers from Mansfield on

If the adutl molar is J. starting to come up in i'k certain information technology would be fine. My sister had her developed teeth come up all the way in without her babe teeth getting fifty-fifty a little loose, so my mom had to scout her and have her to go baby teeth pulled every fourth dimension an adult tooth came in, just I estimate that's pretty rare.

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answers from San Diego on

All but ane of my son's teeth have come in like this. Nosotros are working on #9 at the moment and the developed tooth is right there.
All of his adult teeth have moved where they should be. It takes a little time merely they practice move.
Our dentist said save our money, in that location is no demand to pull the baby tooth, it volition fall out on information technology'southward own. And sure plenty, they all have.
It'south fine and nothing to worry virtually.

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answers from St. Louis on

yep, it does happen. My nephew had this a lot...& never required orthodontics. :)

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answers from M Forks on

This has been the case for all my boys teeth. They accept had "shark teeth", where they had 2 rows of teeth! Anyway, my x twelvemonth old son had to have 8 of 10 teeth pulled by the dentist, and will exist getting a servant this fall to straighten things out. My 7 year old has had iii of 4 teeth pulled by the dentist and seems to exist following the exact same path.



answers from New York on

Happened with my niece and her dentist said the aforementioned affair. Happy to say that her developed teeth did motion forward. Turns out, it's pretty mutual for the adult teeth to push button the babe teeth the point where we see the adult tooth before the baby one comes off.

Btw, my niece lost at least two, maybe three, teeth this way and it must've taken around six weeks for the babe tooth to finally come out.

Hope this helps.



answers from Los Angeles on

Babe teeth are place holders so if the adult teeth are in, you tin can pull the baby one if information technology bothers you lot so much. Information technology'southward kind of odd, this kind of happened to united states of america and the dentist J. pulled the baby tooth out.



answers from Philadelphia on

Yes! I had it when I was a kid. I didn't know the adult tooth was growing in behind the baby tooth for a while. When I saw information technology I started wiggling the baby tooth to try to get it out. By the time I got the baby tooth out it was too late and the developed tooth was set back. Information technology never pushed forrad for years. Information technology finally started getting pushed forrad, the dentist said, because my back teeth were growing in sidewides (literally) and pushing all my teeth together and popped my tooth forward... too far frontward. Anyway, the dentist said if my back teeth hadn't squished in an unusual fashion he said that tooth would have stayed positioned wrong. I suggest wiggling that infant tooth out asap. If he teeth are crowded I wouldn't expect it to reposition itself. If in that location'south room, I don't know.

K. B
mom to 5 including triplets



answers from Philadelphia on

This happened to Thou. when I was young. I couldn't stand up fluctuant my teeth... to this solar day, loose teeth skeeve Thousand. out. (I put on a dauntless confront for my kids, though!) I refused to pull out my baby teeth and the big teeth came in all crooked. My dentist said it was because the baby teeth were still in that location... maybe they've changed their minds on that, or your daughter is different.

Personally, I would have the dentist pull it.


answers from Hartford on

Information technology's normal, really. One of my nieces had this happen with all of her forepart teeth on the superlative. My all-time friend's son had it happen with a couple of his too. Information technology tin can take a while, especially if the children aren't tooth wigglers.

Do y'all non trust your dentist?



answers from Erie on

All babe teeth are pushed out by the teeth coming in beneath them. This is what causes them to loosen in the kickoff place. J. get it wigglin' (apples and carrots are groovy for this) and it'll be out soon enough...



answers from Sharon on

My daughters two front lesser teeth did that. Our dentist said he would pull them if they didn't come out in almost 3-4 months. They both roughshod out and her tongue did push the new teeth into the proper position style before then. Then, no worries!


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